Sends a query to return all records for your chosen resource. Note that the API returns a maximum of 100 results at a time and this you may need to specify a page or search to get the specific results you want.
size = 20,
page_num = 1,
df_only = T
The name of the resource you would liek to query, as per gtr_endpoints
The number of results you would like to return (max 100).
The page number of results you would like to see.
Term you want to check against search_fields. Search works on a 'contains' basis.
Fields you want to check search_term against. Enter as character vector. Note fields must be referred to by their code, and some fields may be searched by default. Use get_configs()
for details of codes and default search fields.
Choose whether you only want a dataframe of the 'core' results (T) or you would like additional metadata returned with the query (F).
A dataframe holding the results for your chosen query, or a list holding the dataframe plus corresponding metadata..