
You can install the package from GitHub using the following code:


How it works

gtR simplifies the process of accessing the UKRI Gateway to Research API.

Currently, it lets you:

  • View a list of endpoints (gtr_endpoints).
  • View a list of resource combinations used in certain functions (gtr_combinations).
  • Get configuration details for said endpoints (get_configs()).
  • Query the API using get_resources(). This allows to return all results for a given ‘resource’ (eg, project, organisation), or resources linked to a specific entity (eg, all projects for an organisation). It also let’s you specify whether you want to return all pages or specific ones, or filter your results using search terms.
  • There are also legacy functions that ‘compartmentalise’ the functionality offered by get_resources(). These allow you to check all results for a given resource query_resource_all() or those that are linked to a specific entity (query_resource_combination()). These legacy functions also provide the option to return metadata about your query instead of just the ‘actual’ results.


NB I won’t show some actual data outputs as there are some hideously long ID strings in there.

You want to try and identify the University of Exeter’s record in the API.


data <- get_resources(resource = "organisation", page_nums = 1, size = 10)

You can’t see Exeter in here. However, you’re only looking at the first page. You could try and return more results per page, or try a different page, but doing this randomly wouldn’t be very efficient. What if we try searching specifically for the term “Exeter”?

#return configuration for organisation records to look up field codes to search against

org_config <- get_configs("organisation")

#>          code       description searchable sortable searchedByDefault
#> 1       org.n Organisation Name       TRUE     TRUE              TRUE
#> 2    Project Titles       TRUE    FALSE             FALSE
#> 3 org.orcidId          ORCID iD       TRUE    FALSE              TRUE
#> 4 Project Abstracts       TRUE    FALSE             FALSE
#> 5       score         Relevance      FALSE     TRUE             FALSE

#so we can see we need to search against "org.n" to look up the name.
#The configuration file shows this is searched anyway, so we don't need to reference the code, but will for completeness

final_result <- get_resources("organisation", size = 30, search_term = "Exeter", search_fields = "org.n")

Success (third row)!